

题  目:Dynamic Decision Making for Dam and Levee Risk Management
报告人:Limin Zhang Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
时  间:2016年6月6日下午3:00
地  点:科学馆516报告厅




  Dr. Limin Zhang is Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Director of Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  His research areas include slopes and embankment dams, geotechnical risk assessment, pile foundations, multiphase flows and centrifuge modeling. He received Mao Yi-Sheng Soil Mechanics and Geoetchnical Engineering Award and the Overseas Distinguished Young Investigator Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Dr. Zhang is Past Chair of Geotechnical Safety Network (GEOSNet), Vice Chair of ASCE’s Risk Assessment and Management Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Georisk, Associate Editor of ASCE’s Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, and editorial board member of Computers and Geotechnics and several other journals.
  This seminar concerns dam-break emergency management. It starts with an introduction to the dam break hazard propagation process and the emergency management processes. The audience is then introduced to a dynamic dam-break risk assessment procedure and methodologies for risk based decision making. The dynamic decision making for mitigating the risks of Tangjiashan Landslide Dam is finally presented.