

题  目: Rock Fracture Dynamics and Induced Seismicity Applications
报告人: R. Paul Young, Ph.D.  FRSC
时  间:2016年5月20日下午3:00
地  点:科学馆516报告厅




  Paul Young is Professor of Geophysics and formerly Vice-President (Research) at the University of Toronto (2007-2014). He has a Ph.D. in Geophysics (Council National Academic Awards, U.K.), M.Sc. in Rock Mechanics (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K.) and a B.Sc. in Geological Sciences (University of London, U.K.). He has held the Keck Chair in Seismology and Rock Mechanics at the University of Toronto, the Chair of Earth Science at the University of Liverpool and has been President of the British Geophysical Association. He has been awarded many honors for his research and innovation, notably, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Willet G Miller Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Canada for his research in earth sciences, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Scholarship and the John A. Franklin Award for Rock Mechanics by the Canadian Geotechnical Society. He is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is a Chartered Engineer. Over the past 30 years, Professor Young has pioneered techniques used today in monitoring and interpreting induced seismicity in the mining, petroleum and nuclear waste disposal industries. Through his research groups at Queen's University and the University of Toronto, Canada, Keele University and Liverpool University, UK, as well as through spin off companies such as the Engineering Seismology Group, Canada and Applied Seismology Consultants, UK, significant scientific advances have been made in seismology and rock mechanics. He has published over 220 scientific papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, supervised over 40 Ph.D. students and post-doctoral research fellows and developed innovative instrumentation systems for induced seismicity/acoustic emission monitoring.
  Professor Young’s research is focused on rock fracture dynamics and induced seismicity with application to natural geologic hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic activity and engineering applications such as mining, hydrocarbon recovery, hydraulic fracturing and deep underground storage for nuclear waste isolation and CO2 sequestration. His group has a considerable history with alumni as NASA astronauts, academics, seismologists, rock mechanics and geotechnical engineers, and medical doctors. They work for government, natural radwaste agencies, and mining and petroleum companies and are involved in fundamental science and engineering consulting.