

  交通运输工程领域具有重要影响的学术会议——“国际绿色智能交通系统与安全学术会议”自2010年起已成功举办六届。第七届国际绿色智能交通系统与安全学术会议(The 7th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation System and Safety, GITSS2016)将由北京理工大学、必赢国际电子游戏网站、慕尼黑工业大学共同主办,并由必赢国际电子游戏网站承办,并将于2016年7月1-4日在中国南京召开。本次会议主题为:
  本届会议拟征集反映本领域最新研究成果及原创方法的论文(投稿论文可用英文或中文撰写),录用文章的作者需到会宣讲交流。本次会议接收的英文论文将全部由《Procedia Engineering-Journal-Elsevier》出版并提交EI检索,部分优秀论文经扩展完善后将被推荐至《Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment》、《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》等SCI源刊期刊;本次会议接收的中文论文将在《北京理工大学学报》增刊发表。所有稿件均由相关领域的专家从原创性、重要性、写作质量角度进行评审,作者需将Word和PDF格式论文提交至大会投稿信箱(wangwh@bit.edu.cn)。

重要日期:提交论文截止日期:    2016年4月15日
          录用通知日期:        2016年5月5日
联 系 人:李成刚、蒋晓蓓、郭宏伟、李锐(必赢国际电子游戏网站)、孙煦(必赢国际电子游戏网站)

  The 7th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation System and Safety GITSS2016 will be held during july 1-4, 2016, in Nanjing, China, Jointly organized by Beijing Institute of Technology, Hohai University, and Technische Universität München. As the hosts and organizers of GITSS2016, Beijing Institute of Technology, Technische Universität München, and Hohai University invite submissions of original research and innovative practice from both researchers and practitioners.

We welcome any topics in the following areas, but not limited to:
  1、Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  2、Driver Assistance Systems and Automobile Safety
  3、Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety
  4、Transport Planning and Road Traffic
  5、Traffic Operations, Management and Control
  6、Transport Economics and Policy
  7、Urban Rail and Public Transit
  8、Infrastructure Constructions and Management
  9、New Energy Vehicle Technology and Application

  Paper Submission
  Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts written in English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Authors should electronically submit files of their manuscripts with Word or PDF version via email.
  All GITSS2016 accepted papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Engineering on-line. Procedia Engineering is hosted on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com). All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation Index. Selected papers will be invited to submit to special issues of SCI-indexed journals, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, and Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Please submit your papers by using the Submission E-mail.
  Submission E-mail: wangwh@bit.edu.cn

  Important Dates:
  Paper submission deadline: Apr.15, 2016
  Paper notification of acceptance: May 5, 2016

  Contact Information
  Questions about this conference should be directed to:
  Beijing Institute of Technology: Mr. Chenggang Li (elane100@163.com)
  Beijing Institute of Technology: Dr. Xiaobei Jiang (jiangxiaobei@bit.edu.cn)
  Hohai University: Dr. Rui Li (lirui2012@hhu.edu.cn)
  Hohai University: Dr. Xu Sun (qingkong0113@126.com)